poniedziałek, 13 sierpnia 2012

Twelve: Run a hostel

I did many jobs so far. I was an event manager. I was a kindergarten teacher. I was a marketing trainee. I was a human rights educator. But the best of my jobs so far was being a receptionist in a hostel. I loved it. I loved meeting people.
Like that guy, who stopped in Warsaw during his trip from Amsterdam to Beijing on a horizontal bike.
Or that Dutch girl, Wytske, who was researching on Polish Jews
Or Ale, a geeky Italian, who became my best friend
Or Raffaella, the cutest sweetest little babe ever.
Or the University Orchestra from Coimbra in Portugal
Or those elder ladies from Israel, who came back to Poland after 60 years in search of the country of their childhood.
Or Ayesh, Josh and Andrew, Australians who are just an example on how one can crash an album-release-party of one of the most popular Polish rappers and steal all Red Bulls from the frigde.

It was just fun. And my bosses were honest and carying for us. And I love taking care of other people.    And it helped me to get rid of my shyness. And Iąm still coming back there and hanging out with receptionists and guests and suddenly realizing that I just wanted to visit the hostel and for some reason it's 5 am and I'm coming back barefoot from a party.

That's why I want to run a hostel. I was wondering if it's not too big aim for the next 10 years, but... aim high, right? If it won't work, it won't. But if it will, it's gonna be legen - wait for it - dary. I'm totally able to make my hostel the best one in Europe. If you have spare 30 000 euros, now you totally know how to invest it.

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